Python as a Database.

Python is at the heart of most data analysis but to share analysis's most users have been uploading data to SQL databases, until now. MyPythonDB turns your python instance into an SQL database. Existing tools can query data directly at faster than database speeds.

  • PythonDB provides a MySQL interface that allows every BI tool to just work.
  • With DuckDB and Polars-SQL you can directly query in-memory dataframes, S3 or on-disk parquet files using SQL.
  • Via the simple SQL editor web interface, you can share links to results with colleagues.


  1. Import package to expose your python instance as a MySQL Database.
  2. pythondb.exe mydb.duckdb - Load a duckdb database and make it remotely accessible.
  3. pythondb - A new in-memory duckdb instance
  4. pythondb --language polars --language polars - A polars instance

Python as MySQL

>>>import mypythondb
>>>mypythondb.start(port=3145, webport=9090, language='POLARS')

Command Line Options

		  -l, --language LANG    Language to interpret code as.  [default: PYTHON]
		  -c, --command COMMAND  Run COMMAND
		  -P, --port SQLPORT     Port for MySQL compatible server to listen on
		  -w, --webport WEBPORT  Port for webserver to listen on
		  -q, --quiet            Quiet, don't show banner
		  -v, --verbose          Display debugging information
		  --version              Show the version and exit.
		  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Development Info

  • Python is the language for data analysis.
  • Polars / DuckDB provides extremely fast DataFrame operations previously only accessible at great cost.
  • Many libraries and databases are converging on common data formats
    • Apache Arrow in memory
    • Apache Parquet on disk

Dev Commands

poetry install --sync
poetry lock
poetry run pythondb
poetry run pytest
poetry run pyinstaller --onefile --icon pythondb-512.ico --name pythondb --add-data html;html